The Conference on Cell & Gene Therapy for HIV Cure
August 22-23, 2019
Marriott Residence Inn Seattle, Downtown/Convention Center
Seattle, Washington | USA
The defeatHIV Martin Delany Collaboratory, in collaboration with the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, the University of Washington/Fred Hutch Center for AIDS Research (UW/Fred Hutch CFAR) and the UW Virology Division, are pleased to host the 5th Conference on Cell & Gene Therapy for HIV Cure in Seattle, Washington on August 22-23, 2019. The event will be held at the Marriott Residence Inn Seattle, Downtown/Convention Center.
Born out of the desire to bring much needed attention to HIV cell and gene therapies, this conference aims to advance the pursuit of an HIV cure by bringing together an international roster of esteemed scientists to share and review the latest cell and gene therapy approaches targeting HIV. View more on the DETAILS page.
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Robert F. Siliciano, MD, PhD
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Professor of Medicine, Molecular Biology and Genetics,
Pharmacology and Molecular Science
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Dr. Robert F. Siliciano is a Professor of Medicine and Molecular Biology and Genetics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and a member of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. In 1995, his laboratory provided the first demonstration that latently infected memory CD4+ T cells were present in patients with HIV-1 infection. He showed that latently infected cells persist even in patients on prolonged antiretroviral therapy (ART). These studies indicated that eradication of HIV-1 infection with ART alone would never be possible, a finding which led to a fundamental change in the treatment strategy for HIV-1 infection. This latent reservoir is now recognized as the major barrier to curing HIV-1 infection and is the subject of an intense international research effort. Dr. Siliciano’s laboratory has gone on to characterize the reservoir and to explore strategies for eradicating it. In addition, Dr. Siliciano has developed a theoretical foundation for understanding the success of ART in controlling HIV-1 replication.
Dr. Siliciano graduated from Princeton and received his MD and PhD degrees from Johns Hopkins. After a postdoctoral fellowship at Harvard, he joined the Hopkins faculty. He has received the Distinguished Clinical Scientist Award from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and two NIH Merit Awards. He is a past Chairman of the NIH AIDS and Related Research Study Section. For 16 years, he directed the Hopkins MD-PhD Program, and he now serves as an advisor for MDPhD students. In 2008, he received a major award in AIDS research, the Bernard N. Fields Memorial Lecture at the Conference for Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections.